Archives mensuelles : décembre 2014

La Turbie – Trophy of Augustus


The Trophy of Augustus was erected at the highest point of the Via Julia. It overlooks the Mediterranean sea from San Remo to the Esterel massif.

This outstanding monument was built to honour the Roman emperor Augustus for his victory over the people of the Alps who were subjugated between 25 and 14 B.C.


Standing above the ancient port of Monaco, the trophy marked the end of the Alps and was part of the landscape of the sanctuary devoted to Heracles (Hercules for the Romans. The name of Monaco – Monoikos in Greek – is almost always associated with that of Hercules by ancient writers.


The monument originally served no military purpose and contained no fortress. However in the Middle Ages, the edifice was fortified, with locals building houses around its walls. In 1705 when war broke out between Savoy and France , Louis XIV ordered the destruction of all fortresses in the region, including this one. The partially destroyed Trophy then became a quarry and its stones were used, among other things, to build the nearby church of Saint Michel.


It was only when the County of Nice became part of France in 1860, that the trophy was listed as a historic monument.

In the beginning of the 20th century, the architecture was partly restored by Jean-Camille Formigé and his son Jules, master architects for historic monuments.


LE TROPHEE D’AUGUSTE (sunset on December 28th 2014)


The area surrounding the Trophy is rich with remnants of the Roman empire, such as the famous Roman roads. The Via Julia Augusta is a continuation of the Via Aurelia which linked Vintimille to Cimiez (Nice). Various fountains within the territory of the communes of Beausoleil and Roquebrune Cap Martin are also said to be Roman.

Prince et Princesse pour un noël féerique à Monaco


La Côte d ‘Azur est en émoi et plus particulièrement Monaco et sa périphérie avec l’arrivée des enfants princiers Gabriella et Jacques, nés hier, au centre hospitalier Princesse-Grace à Monaco.

L’évènement s’est entendu jusqu’à Roquebrune, Beausoleil et Cap d’ Ail grâce aux quarante-deux coups de canon tirés par les carabiniers depuis le fort Antoine. Les cloches des églises y ont fait écho, de concert avec les sirènes des bateaux du port de Monaco. Le monde azuréen était en fête !

Cela ressemble à un conte de noël pour les heureux parents, la Princesse Charlène reçoit là, un merveilleux cadeau de l’univers, deux enfants fille et garçon ; le palais princier a fait savoir qu’elle se porte bien ainsi que ses enfants. La Princesse Gabriella, Thérèse, Marie, deuxième enfant dans la ligne de succession, reçoit le titre de Comtesse de Carladès (en Auvergne) ; le Prince Jacques, Honoré, Rainier a la qualité de Prince Héréditaire, selon l’usage historique établi par le traité de Péronne (1641), et reçoit le titre de Marquis des Baux (en Provence).

La presse internationale relaie l’information, toute la principauté de Monaco se réjouit, ainsi que ses résidents et ses travailleurs des communes limitrophes.

C’est ainsi que de Menton à Nice,  chacun, depuis l’âtre de sa villa, en ce mois de décembre 2014, se surprend à fredonner « ils sont nés les divins enfants… ».


Where on earth is the Côte d’Azur ?


Did you know that Côte d’Azur was a definition created in 1887 by a French writer Stéphen Liégeard, when describing the mediterranean region from Marseille to Genua in Italy ?

As the name Côte d’Azur is of literary origin, there are no official administrative geographical boundaries. If nowadays there seems to be a generally agreed opinion on the Eastern border MENTON , the Western border varies according to the source of information :

Some consider the French Riviera as the coastal area of three departments Alpes-Maritimes (06), Var (83) and Bouches du Rhône (13) with CASSIS being the Western edge.

Various tourist guides speak of Bandol, or Hyères or Saint-Tropez as Western limit of the Côte d’Azur thus reducing the area to two departments, the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var.

And finally the website of the Côte d’Azur restricts the official label “Côte d’Azur” to a large coastal area of the Alpes-Maritimes (06) from CANNES to MENTON including MONACO.

No worries if you are lost, 50 % of the French people are on the question.

N° 7